

Another side effect of corona: increased pancreatic-intestinal disease in patients recovering from corona


કોરોનાની વધુ એક આડઅસર:કોરોનાથી સાજા થયેલા દર્દીઓમાં સ્વાદુપિંડ-આંતરડાંની બીમારી વધી

Another side effect of corona: increased pancreatic-intestinal disease in patients recovering from corona

Surgery of more than 25 intestines, pancreas, goal bladder from March to December
Intestinal vein blockage in many patients caused intestinal blackening, 5 deaths
There were 15 surgeries in civil and 10 in private hospitals
A patient who recovered from a corona has been diagnosed with fungal infections from the bone between the nose and the eyes to the brain. From March to December 15 in Civil Hospital and in 10 cases in two private hospitals, the patient has undergone 4 to 6 hours of surgery to remove the blackened bowel and rotten pancreas as well as the goal bladder. As well as 5 patients whose entire intestine has turned black from the stomach to the feces could not be saved.

The patient does not get a quick diagnosis of this problem starting with normal abdominal pain. But, when the pain becomes unbearable and the patient is diagnosed by the surgeon with a CT scan of the abdomen, black bowel and pancreas rot, there is no remedy other than surgery.

Who to watch out for?
Patients with coronary artery disease or coronary artery disease as well as over 50 years of age, diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.
Case 1: The bowel turned black and had to be cut to 3.5 feet
Narayanben Varma, 70, of Koro, was rushed to hospital with a complaint of abdominal pain, where his initial examination revealed a general abdominal pain, but the surgeon had to surgically remove the 3.5-foot bowel after a CT scan showed the patient's bowel had turned black.

Case 2: 80% of the pancreas decays and has to be removed completely
Rupesh Patel (name has been changed), 52, who recovered from Corona, was admitted with a complaint of abdominal pain. Examining the patient with a CT scan, 80 percent of the pancreas had ruptured, so the entire pancreas had to be removed to save the patient's life.

7 The patient could not be saved despite surgery
The gastro surgeon of Sushrusha Hospital, Dr. Ishaan Shah said that in the patient who recovered after corona, 7 surgeries have been performed due to blockage (mesenteric ischemia) in the vein that carries blood from the abdomen to the intestines. An elderly man underwent surgery to remove a 3.5-foot blackened bowel and was placed on a ventilator in the ICU for 5 days. When a patient's entire 6- to 7-foot intestine turns black, they cannot be saved.

4 Patient's abdominal vein blockage
Gastro Surgeon Dr. According to Avinash Tank, four patients who recovered after corona had to have their blackened intestines amputated due to blockage in the abdominal vein, and one patient had to have his pancreas removed 80 per cent. Another patient underwent goal bladder surgery. All four patients were over 50 years of age, 2 of whom had diabetes, 1 had a first attack and 1 had high blood pressure.

15 surgeries between March-December
Department of Surgery of Civil Hospital Assoc. Professor Dr. Apoorva Shah said that 15 surgeries have been performed in civil during the coronal period from March to December. Most of the time, due to blockage in the vein that supplies blood to the intestines from the abdomen, the intestines turn black and the blood does not reach the other organs of the abdomen, forcing surgery. While 3 to 4 patients could not be saved as their entire intestine from the stomach to the feces turned black.

The city has been experiencing a steady decline in corona cases for some time now. 207 new cases were reported in the last 24 hours. While 5 more patients died. However, 206 patients were also discharged from various hospitals as they recovered. Based on the review of the case, an area of ​​Maninagar was placed in micro containment on Sunday.

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